Anna Trester

Anna Trester discovered the joy of improv when she moved to DC in 2002.

What began as a creative outlet from graduate studies has now turned into the subject of her graduate studies, but hey, that’s what happens when you open yourself up to yes-and. She is a member of the all-female troupe The Shower and she loves to teach so much that she wants to be a professor when she grows up. She is especially excited to be a part of WIT’s training program to be able help you discover your own hidden creative genius, and remind you that there are no such things as “mistakes.” With this realization, the possibilities are endless.

Student Feedback

“The thing I liked best about her class was how much she cares about improv, how supportive she was and how professionally she ran the class.”

“It was easy to trust her judgment and rely on her. She is impressive and fills you with confidence.”

“I chose Anna because I knew she was a teacher outside of improv and it definitely showed in class.”

Other Passion